
Pilgrim’s Trail Proof

Well the first proofs for ‘Pilgrim’s Trail’ arrived today and I must say they look pretty great! Really happy with the cover because it took me about 30 minutes to get through the process which has taken me as much as 6 weeks in the past. I weaseled out and used createspace.com ready  made cover and provided photos. I know that I need to go back and fix the covers of my first two books as covers do in fact sell books.

The interior looks great and their are no formatting issues, I will mail these off to the Beta Readers Monday and will hopefully get their feedback by the end of October which will allow me to release the book in November.

The website has exploded, I thought I was just getting spammed as many subscribers have complained but people actually are interested and have comments about my work! THANK YOU I do apologies about the spam hopefully I can find a solution for all of us!Proof in Hand!