Köfels’ Meteor Impact Evidence in Egypt

As Promised, I revealed my huge discovery at the CoKoCon on Sunday in Phoenix, Arizona and it seemed to be somewhat anticlimactic. Either I was unable to convey the importance of my discovery or people simply didn’t care.

My paper is still being written and writing this paper has been an education in disappointment of what bringing forth multi-discipline discoveries are in the academic world. In reading reviews of, “A Sumerian Observation of the Köfels’ Impact Event” by Alan Bond and Mark Hempsell, I was disappointed how this outstanding piece of research was attacked out of jealousy for no other reason than these two gentleman had ventured into other peoples’ fields of expertise. These attacks COULD NOT cite any examples where their research was incorrect or inaccurate, but simply that the attacker had an education in the field and Mr Bond and Mr Hempsell did not and therefore they could not have extrapolated accurate information. At no point in the monograph did, Mr Bond and Mr Hempsell step outside of their fields of expertise and relied entirely on experts in each field required, so therefore all attacks on their work are without merit and are purely out of ego and academic jealousy. It is my opinion, that these attacks are pathetic and demeaning to those of us trying to do serious research and down right distracting as we have to answer stupid questions that have no bearing on our argument other than someone isn’t being heard, they want some attantion or they feel we are playing in their sandbox and may touch their toys.

My Discovery

On 29 June 3123 BCE a Meteor Impact occurred near present day Köfels, Austria. The Back Jet of this Impact is believed by some to have destroyed Sodom and Gomorra, Biblical Scholars are NOT included in this group for the most part because this event does not fit in the ‘Biblical Timeline’ despite the evidence in the Jordan Valley that corresponds with the fallout from a meteor impact event. The Back Jet also left high temperature thermal burns on several statues in Tanis, Egypt.  These granite and quartzite statues show melting damage requiring a temperature of 1215-1260 Degree Centigrade (2219-2300 Degrees Fahrenheit). These are temperatures that Egyptians could not create with fire as they could control it at that time.

This means that Tanis existed before 3123 BCE or this thermal impact damage was created by another event. Yes, Köfels and Tanis are 2500 Kilometers apart, but fallout from this impact or more accurately the Back Jet from this event was traveling at potentially 14.9 KILOMETERS PER SECOND! This means it would have travelled that distance in under 3 minutes! Tanis is in direct line along the Back Jet line with the Coriolis Effect.

Because the Impact event occurred at a low angle, 6 Degrees, it did not leave a crater, but knocked over a hill creating a landslide, it is ignored by astrophysicists for the most part. It also hit a hill on its inbound trajectory turning into more of a gaseous cloud on impact in a nearly plasma state of matter. (my speculation) This caused it to NOT produce shocked quartz as a traditional impact would have created, which also causes it to be ignored by astrophysicists. (my speculation) Or the shocked quartz was washed away in the 5000 years since the Impact Event.

Unlike a vertical impact that would come down and have a blast radius outwards and a mushroom cloud upwards, the Köfels’ Impact came in at a low angle, shattered into a gaseous stated a millisecond on Gamskogel before impacting on the hill near Köfels. The now gaseous Meteorite acted more like a giant drop of water, hitting the hill and the Back Jet splashing back the way that the Meteor had come. This debris showered the Jordan and Lower Nile River Valleys in hot molten rock, leaving the scorched statues at Tanis and the Biblical Story of Sodom and Gomorra.

Much more damage was done along the Lower Nile River as a result from the Impact Event as I will try my best to explain.

First, one of the burned statues at Tanis shows deep relief hieroglyphs cut into the statue. This statue is a quartzite statue and are very hard and I am unaware of any other statues or surface that are cut in deep relief that can be proved to be constructed after 3123 BCE meaning that the technology to cut hard stone in deep relief in hieroglyphs was lost at this time.

Second, construction at Tanis was done with megalithic stones weighing 20-tons or more that were quarried in Aswan over 700 kilometers away. Tanis being constructed prior to 3123 BCE as shown by the thermal damage by the Köfels’ Impact Event, this means that the megalithic construction occurred prior to 3123 BCE. This calls into question all megalithic construction in Egypt as it is possible that after 3123 BCE the Egyptians were no longer able to move 20-tons or larger stones from Aswan. This means that the Pyramids at Giza would only be 600 years older than believed as well as the substructures of the Bent Pyramid and the Step Pyramid as well as other megalithic structures.

At Abidos, the transition is quite clear as megalithic stones of granite, up to 65-tons are at a lower level, mined from Aswan 500 kilometers away and then smaller limestone blocks of maybe 100 kilograms, quarried locally, make up the rest of the structure. There is also rumor of a thermal burn layer at Abidos, but I have not able to research this at this time. If this burn line does exist it would clearly show that megalithic construction occurred prior to 3123 BCE and not after.

Third, the tunnels at Saqqara are made in bedrock and the boxes inside are 100-tons each. It is known that Dynastic Egyptians were a Copper Age Civilization and incapable of tunneling in bedrock, so it is possible that these tunnels were made prior to this time period. This means that again the Predynastic Egyptians before 3123 BCE were capable of tunneling through bedrock. No tunneling in bedrock can be positively dated later.

Also the 100-ton boxes in the Saqqara tunnels would fall within the Egyptians ability to quarry and more the megalithic stones prior to 3123 BCE and one of these boxes is still in the hallway of the tunnel, meaning that this occurred at the time of the event.

Fourth, Pharaoh Menes unites Upper and Lower Egypt quickly and apparently with little effort. After over 100 years of struggle between the two empires, one easily usurps the other to such an extent that Menes is able to establish outposts in Canaan. Menes victory was rapid and absolute. He is referred to by the chroniclers as Narmer predominantly, however meaning angry catfish or fierce catfish, a very derogatory term. Apparently the conquered did not appreciate being conquered. I believe that the catastrophic effects of the meteor fallout on the Lower Nile devastated the Kingdom allowing Menes to easily conquer it.

Peoples’ inability to understand this event and its’ scope, I believe, stems from their inability to grasp the magnitude of the event. The energy of the Impact alone was almost 3 million times more powerful than the atomic blast at Hiroshima. That energy was focused to the southeast directly at the Nile Valley. The Sumerian Observer 5000 years ago recorded the mushroom cloud, describing it as a tree, reaching an elevation of 900 kilometers, well outside the atmosphere of the Earth. This event is not understood because the meteor didn’t leave a traditional crater. It is not accepted because it does not fit a Biblical Time Line.

I did not bother citing this as I will save that for my paper.

This event was like a key to unlocking event in Predynastic Egyptian History and provided more answers to questions than those that I have provided here.



