Busy Weekend but still got in some Great Writing!
My second Oldest Son got married last weekend and this did shorten my writing week but as you can see progress in being made.
The History of World War III (Academic Study) – progress 16,000+ words Goal 100,000 words
World War III (Altered History Fiction) – progress 7000+ words, Goal 100,000 words
Casualties of War – Pilgrim’ Trail Book Two – 69,000+ words, Goal 100,000 words
The Devil’s Ride – Pilgrim’s Trail Book Three – 8,000+ words, Goal 100,000 words
The Road to Pilgrim’s Trail (prequel) – 4700+ words, Goal 100,000 words
The Quantum Mind 4500 Words, Goal 100,000 words
Through Green Eyes – 1100 words, Goal 100,000 Words
Not Enough Water to Melt the Witch – 900 words, Goal 60,000 Words
With 7000+ words in the last few days, I am now hoping to release Casualties of War before Thanksgiving so that many of you can catch up on the adventures of Ranger Hank Paulus.
The Road to Pilgrim’s Trail is progressing along as well as I keep finding references to previous time periods in other Pilgrim’s Trail Novels and keep cutting and pasting them into this book in order to keep some continuity to the timeline and the overall story. To be honest I am NOT looking forward to sorting all this out as already it is a jumbled mess. If you haven’t noticed I avoid putting dates on things as I don’t like to see other authors called out for making poor predictions. Often times they are working in such technological vacuums that any prediction that they make is simply guesswork at best.
Many of you have reached out to me and shown your support with pictures of you holding my books and I appreciate the support and the pictures. Too often I feel like I am writing in a vacuum so acknowledgement like this I great, thanks.
I hope that my words being you as much happiness in reading them as they bring me in writing them.