
Posts by: Floyd Getchell

9 Sep 13

Ordered the proofs of ‘Pilgrim’s Trail’ today for my Beta Readers, spent all of about 20 minutes on the cover art, I need to get off my butt and get someone to do my cover art! I want it to look like the classic covers from the 40’s and 50’s. I continue to write ‘Casualties…

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Pilgrim’s Trail update 8 Sep 2013

Well the book took a major leap forward as I quit tinkering with it and sent it to Amazon. It will be reviewed, I have some friends doing a beta read for me and then I will be ready to publish and submit to Kindle The formatting issues that I normally struggle with vanished when…

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WorldCon’s End 3 Sep 2013

Well the drive back from San Antonio sucked because people do not appear to know how to drive as part of a collective group. Got to meet Harry Turtledove and his wife and they appeared to be very nice people. Harry Turtledove is considered the Master of Alternate History Novels and I got to see…

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Day 3 WorldCon – 31 Aug 13

This has been great! Gave away a bunch of 1st Edition “Capitulation” autographed a few copies too. Other folks I have talked to enjoyed the concept behind “Worlds at War” and “Pilgrim’s Trail” have seen a bunch of great costumes and met some great people. David and I helped build the massive Lego Hugo Rocket,…

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25 Aug 2013

Yes, I am by far the worst blogger in the history of Blogging! Been busy at work and trying to get Pilgrim’s Trail through the final phase, editing, so I can publish it. This coming weekend is the World Sci-Fi Convention and I am really excited about going. It will be my first and hopefully…

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30 July 2013

Booked my tickets and hotel for WorldCon 13 in San Antonio and I am pretty excited! ComiCon gets more press but this is the real deal as it will be where this years Hugo Awards will be presented. Maybe some day I will be considered for the Award. I am trying to get Pilgrim’s Trail…

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22 July 2013

I have been avoiding publishing Pilgrim’s Trail because like a lot of things I do I want them to be prefect. As I look back and reread my two previous novels I realize that things are not prefect. Capitulation underwent a major rewrite and review and will be rereleased soon. Worlds at War contains one…

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12 July 2013

Many things fall onto one’s plate in life and it takes time to digest. As the small troubles that accompany all our lives are put in perspective they are no longer obstacles to writing but often become material for characters to enrich and make them appear more real. What I am trying to say is…

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1 July 2013

Sometimes things are easier than they appear. I am beginning to think that you should always try everything because chances are it will be easier than you imagined. Try not to be overcome by the obstacles that you choose to place before yourself. Case in point, I did what amounts to a major rewrite of…

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24 June 2013

For anyone that is having trouble writing, try explaining what you are trying to write to a seven year-old. David gets kudos today for helping me sort out the importance of alien contact in the future. It was an unrelated conversation that really kicked my mind forward with regard to the potential hazards of contact…

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