Archive For April, 2013

30 April 2013

I must be the worst blogger! I just noticed that I have not made an entry in almost two weeks! Having finished writing Pilgrim’s Trail I set to editing it but have found that I still have more stories in me and have continued writing Core and the sequel to Capitulation titles Reciprocity. As I…

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15 April 2013

Finished Pilgrim’s Trail this weekend, the writing anyway. Now on to the headache of editing and cover art. I have a lead with an editor and cover artist so maybe that will fall away and I can focus on writing. Wishful thinking on my part. As usual the story poured over into the next book currently…

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9 April 2013

Greetings and sorry about the long absence! I guess that my mind had wandered into a dark place and I was having a hard time struggling out of it. I knew that I was depressed but was unable work my way out. I actually came through it by reading the first three books in Edgar…

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