Archive For March, 2013

17 March 2013

Tired does not begin to describe how I feel right now. Didn’t sleep well and had to get up very early which was followed by a long frustrating day! Core is making forward progress and will probably the next novel I look to completing after I finish the first installment of Pilgrim’s Trail which itself is…

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11 March 2013

I left my laptop at work yesterday and wrote a quite a bit on my older work Core. It was very interesting to read the piece to get reacquainted with it. When I began writing it in 2011 I had not read Princess of Mars or seen the movie John Carter, while my plot is very different and based…

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7 Mar 2013

All is right in the Universe. My Universe anyway. The Universe that I created for Pilgrim’s Trail hit a snag as scientists discovered planets in Tau Ceti that were contrary to the ones that I made up. I have adjusted the solar system to fit the discoveries without a major rewrite. Knowing a thing or two…

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3 Mar 2013

Sometimes discovery outdistances the writer. When I started writing Pilgrim’s Trail last summer humanity doubted that there were any planets surrounding one of the nearest stars, Tau Ceti. So I wrote about that solar system explaining how it had eight planets that were equal distant from the Tau Ceti Sun rotating at a perpendicular angle to…

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